Thursday, January 15, 2009

T-4 days??

The Beer Monster attempted to flee town this weekend, and take me with her, in what I consider an overt attempt to delay the burrito challenge. However, cooler heads have prevailed (or her mom rented out the condo we were supposed to stay at, but whatever) and we will both be in town this weekend..... and I for one cannot think of a better way to spend my Sunday than watching the Eagles march to victory and eating this:

Yes. 13 inches of chile covered, cheesy goodness. (TM pending.)

So for those of you in the Denver area, don't make plans this Sunday...

In semi-related burrito news, I feel as though I need to have a serious conversation with Jack of JacknGrill regarding a salsa midget. The only thing that could enhance my 5 lb burrito eating experience would be a midget walking around with a sombrero full of chips and salsa. The possibilities here are endless. Special shout out to Jason the Make-out Marine for bringing this glorious phenomenon to my attention. I even found resources for them:

Wow. Just.... wow.



  1. That would be awesome! And the midget's sombrero would be just the right height!

  2. wow! you are too darn funny
    but i like the salsa midget idea!!!
